Is competitiveness ugly or beautiful, good or bad, necessary or not? How do you feel about this? What are your views on this topic? Is it more important to just go with the natural flow of things and take life in your stride or is it more important to get stuck in and be competitive with everything.
It is part of human nature to evolve and strive to improve. We all want to have better lives and be in control of the situations that surround us. Every day we are confronted with things that challenge us. Fighting for that last magazine on the rack, the item of clothing on the sale and even the last cold coke in the fridge. If you don’t have this urge, then maybe you aren’t
Does competition always have to be at the cost of someone else? Can the competition not be one that happens internally, for example, you striving to be the best individual you can be? My values are possibly very different from yours, so I might strive to improve my attitude and approach.
There is a healthy edge to competitiveness, where you will find yourself motivated, focused and disciplined. You will see life as an opportunity rather than a challenge.
You don’t have to walk on others to get what you want. You have to be competitive within yourself to be better equipped to live your life to the fullest. Make sure that you find your limitations, and you learn to deal with the things that push your buttons. You need to learn that you can conquer the competition that most of us have within ourselves.
Because don’t we all compete within ourselves on a daily basis, often running ourselves down, calling ourselves names? If you spend that energy on the right type of competitiveness, you would be winning a lot more in the right way.
So go figure out what is healthy competition and what it looks like!
Be at the top of your game by being authentic, living with passion and purpose, living from the inside out, paying it forwards and knowing yourself really well.
Get involved with life and work towards being the best you can be. If you find that you need to be more competitive with yourself or others, then that’s what you have to do.
Be kind, work hard and play the best game of life that you can.
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