Do You Need A Mind Shift?

By LifeworX · Jan. 10, 2017 · Life Coaching · 2 min read

An image of a head with a cloud.

All too often we are swept along in the river of our life and hardly seem to come up for air, let alone to check whether we are following the course we really desire. You need to come up for a breath once in a while. When you eventually do try to toss some ideas around. Even if you didn’t know what you wanted you still will begin to think of things that you could start to add to your bucket list.

Sometimes it is a comment from a friend, a blog or even just looking and learning from the things around you that can help you have a mind shift.

“If your dreams don’t scare you then they aren’t big enough.”

This is how one creates new perspective. You learn to shake off the old and bring in the new. When you take action even one small thing can usher in something new that can change your world, your life and your dreams.

When you begin to think out of the box you will find that you can think about all sorts of scenarios and until you have all your information you can dream a bit too. I read this somewhere: “if your dreams don’t scare you then they aren’t big enough”. 

You need to shift gears and start managing your thoughts and actions better. Decision-making should be a process and you should practice this until you get it down to a fine art. You need to trust your gut feeling so that your decision-making is based on your thoughts and not those of others. If you ignore your intuition too often it will start to let you down because you keep questioning it and eventually it will stop working for you as your inner voice.

Often we know we should change the way we are thinking but just don’t know how so we land up doing nothing about anything.

For most of us we know that we should change the way we are thinking but keep putting it off. Chinese philosopher Confucius once said “ A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”

It's getting your self motivated to take that first step. This will move you in the direction you want to go. But it is that initial switch that needs a flick.

Once you have made the decision to work on changing your old ways of thinking you need to have a plan of action. You will need to find the information to back up your questions of Why? Where? When?

So here are a few tips to get you going:

Accept that a change is necessary

You need to Want to change the way you have been thinking.

Keep your goals on a list so that you can keep track of them.

Get information about the things you don’t know enough about.

Make sure you have the right people supporting you.

Take action with things you have been putting off.

Never stop believing in the power of YOU.

#payitforward #livelifelovelife


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