How to Avoid a Festive Disappointment

By LifeworX · Jan. 10, 2017 · Life Coaching · 2 min read

Festive disappointed little girl.

For many people, the festive season brings joy because it is the time of the year where they meet with their loved ones, including those they rarely see. However, while it is supposed to be a celebration that is filled with memories and good will, there are also some who wallow in sadness, disappointed by the fact that they do not have others surrounding them. They might feel alone, and they will most probably live in melancholy. They might think that their life is useless and that no one loves them. If you are one of the many who feels such a way, keep on reading and learn some of the things that can help you to take action.

Adopt a More Positive Attitude

This is one of the hardest things to do when you are disappointed. More often than not, feelings of fear, grief, and sadness will be dominant. When you allow yourself to be overtaken by such negative emotions, you will feel depressed. As such, you should take a proactive approach. From the very start, have a positive mindset. Bring your consciousness to a level that is more positive. Always think that there should be no reason for you to not live happily in spite of being alone.

Do the Things That You Enjoy

You might be alone, but you should not let such have a negative impact on your quality of life. Even if you are on your own over the festive season, this should not make you sad. Find activities that you enjoy, such as shopping or even a simple stroll in the park. Learn how to live in the moment and seek adventure. Keep yourself busy so that your mind will not be preoccupied with thoughts of loneliness.

Learn How to Accept the Reality

To be happy inside out, you should practice acceptance. Learn to live with the fact that you will be alone over the festive season. Do not have unrealistic and ambitious expectations. From the very start, see to it that you already get used to the thought that you will end up being alone. Through this, the pain and suffering will surely be lesser. Through acceptance, you might just find the happiness that you have been looking for.

Let It Out

If you are sad and disappointed, do not keep it within you. Suppressing your feelings can only make matters worse. Cry if you have to. Do not try to hold it in and also avoid ignoring it. If you choose to pretend that you are disappointed, you may end up being unhappier in your life. For some people, rather than crying, it will also be good to release emotions in physical activities, such as sports.

So get out there live the life you want to and don’t wait for others to rescue you. Take action in the way that you know will make you move forward.


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