Respect and what it means to you –
Respect – according to my google search: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Sometimes respect comes with a position a person holds. The person holding the position does have to prove themselves though. It is indeed something that has to be earned. Something in the person resonates with you, your values and/or your beliefs. It is a recognition or an understanding of the other person and it is normally a two-way street. If I earn the respect of someone, the feeling is usually reciprocated. It is an understanding of the other person in a level that elicits further positive relationships.
This is definitely something we should strive for in our relationships, be they personal or professional.
What happens if there is no respect in a relationship? Can you create it? And if so, how do you build it?
Self-respect: you are happy with your abilities and qualities that you as a person display.
Some questions you might want to ask yourself:
In an ideal world we would all show and earn respect in all our dealings, but is that real? Is there a formula to get to that heralded space of mutual respect??
I do not think so. As respect is a feeling you project or elicit, you can only expect to ‘control’ your part of that equation. That means you should be true to yourself, your belief and value systems, act with integrity and the courage of your convictions.
If something goes wrong in the respect-quadrant, you need to possibly explain yourself to the receiving party. So not only do you need to show your true self, you also have to be able to communicate quite well in order to get the other person to see your point of view.
A tall order?? Most certainly one that is worth working towards.