To New Beginnings!

By LifeworX · Dec. 25, 2017 · Life Coaching · 2 min read

Anita smiling with ocean in background wearing sunglasses.

So when exactly is it time? Change is a funny thing you know… often forced upon us and at the strangest of times. It could either be well received or totally the opposite.

It's one of those things that when we are actually ready to move on, opportunities will begin to present themselves in the craziest ways. For most of it, we aren't always comfortable with the change but that's because we can't see what this change really means at the time. We often need to give something a try before we know whether or not it is good for us and our situation.

This for me is a strange, but true, time of my life. I find myself entering next year with big changes on the way. Some of them have been forced upon me and others have come from wanting the change and knowing that it is the new motivation for the next chapter of my life.

What I feel is most important at this time of change is to give it a chance. Know that it is going to be a different transition to what you have always been used to and that it should excite you and not scare you into not taking action.

New beginnings! New action! New ways of thinking, feeling and acting! Time to get the next step in life right and enjoy doing whatever it takes to get better at being better. If you are surrounded by the right people in your life they will be there to support you in your transition and will help give you the courage no to turn your back on something that has the potential to add value to your life by giving you more diversity than what you ever thought possible.

So take the step to new adventures and embrace what is to come. Some of the changes will be small, little ones that will ultimately lead you to where you need to be and others will take you straight there. I am looking forward to 2018 with the hope that the choices I have made in my daily life have led me to the next phase of my life just at the right time.

Be brave, be bold and be confident in the way you approach next year. Use your creativity to mould and shape the life that you wish to be living! You are responsible to take action in your life to make the best of every opportunity that presents itself to you. Find the good in bad and make the best of your abilities to handle what life throws your way!

You are not alone if you are wondering. I am taking this next step.

I'm ready... Are you?


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