So this is why!
It has now been 2 and a half years that I have been on this journey with LifeworX. It is because of you that I can sit here and look back on this time with gratitude for all that we have accomplished together. Today is the 100th week of our newsletter going out. That equates to 3 blogs a newsletter and 100 weeks with no interruptions or breaks in the delivery of our life stories, messages, advice, and coaching.
That total is 300 blogs written by us and our clients so that we can deliver something that we hope has uplifted and pushed you to do things that you didn’t think possible.
It is not always easy to sit down and type a blog because if I had to always do this alone it would always sound the same. I have had friends and clients help with their true stories, which has really made what we do authentic in every way.
So thank you for your support and opening these Monday morning blogs, because knowing that there are some of you that enjoy the material we deliver make us continue doing so.
If you have a blog or story that you would like to share so that someone out there can learn from your experience whether it be good or bad, we would like to hear from you. The more real we are, the more it will resonate with people who support us and look for help and advice on real-life topics.
So from us at LifeworX we hope to be a part of your Monday habit of reading something that will either Inspire, Impact or Influence you in some way.
We hope to get you up and out of your comfort zone or to help you realise that it is actually okay to be there. Whatever the message and lesson: it is for you that we do this. If there is anything more you would like us to tackle with regards to topics such as addiction, divorce, goal setting, motivation and so much more please feel free to send an email to or to
If you have a desire to write we would gladly find a spot for you in a newsletter if your material will help others in any way. We will do our best to continue this journey with you.
#lifelifelovelife #bebetteratbeingbetter #liveinthemoment