Happiness Starts Now

By LifeworX · June 4, 2018 · Life Coaching · 3 min read

Anita in Monaco.

Happiness starts now.

Happiness is a decision.

Happiness is where your feet are.

So I was thinking how important is to be ok with how you feel. Is being happy always possible? To me, this starts with a decision you make to actually be happy. I try not to let things get me down that usually would. To me, this is all about the decision that I make. I choose to not let things get to me that actually make me miserable and unhappy and oh my word, there are so many things that if you surrender to them you could be miserable all day long.

The state of our country, for example, the lack of good education in our schools, the bad service from all the institutions that used to run like clockwork. The lack of empathy of the people around us. The price of food, the general cost of living... If I had to continue on this route it would seriously be too hard to stop yourself from getting miserable and down. Your happiness just flew out the window.

So make a choice to be happy within and know that there are so many things out of your control that it is a matter of how you process the let downs and the distractions of today. Be proactive in the things that you can influence and allow yourself to feel happy about the things you take for granted.

If you look for things, there really is a lot to be happy about. We often are so bombarded by the everyday stuff that we don’t notice the small fluffy stuff.

The people we surround ourselves with is a true reflection of how we feel. Make sure you get together with the right people and have a good time, a fun time, a real time. Genuine friends are hard to find so when you do find them, make sure you spend quality time with them.

Find things that make you happy and pursue them. No matter how small they may be, it really is the small things that make life fun. I have found my love for working in the garden again and growing things. Something so small can bring so much joy.

So yes, I do believe it is my choice to be happy and not let the things that get me down keep me down. I have learnt to shake off a lot of this negative stuff, but it has sure taken practice. Once you identify the things that upset you, acknowledge them and choose to not let them get you down. Don’t focus on them, because if you get used to focusing on the negative stuff you will get really good at it.

Choose happiness and hang on to it. Make the best out of situations by seeing things from a different point of view. New perspectives on issues in life bring in new ways of thinking and behaving. Your chosen attitude and the way you manage your day to day emotional barometer is up to you and no one else.

Manage the way you feel and practice that. Now that is something you should get good at.

#livelifelovelife #bebetteratbeingbetter #liveinthemoment


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