How to Make A Change

By LifeworX · Aug. 19, 2018 · How-to's · 2 min read

books on a table saying dont just stand there

Change is a scary word at the best of times, esp. when you are expected to make a decision, which you clearly know will bring about change and you are not sure which way to go.  Here are some of these questions that can help you.  

I have personally gone through many changes in my life from situations that were not in my control to big decisions where there were people and money involved, enough to scare anyone.  Instead of running in the opposite direction, I have learned that when it is important you can’t avoid or get away from the fact that the decision needs making inevitably. 

There are a good couple of questions that I go through when I am needing a good assessment of the situation before making a decision that is bound to change or impact my life and the others in my life.

What is your catalyst for change?

Do you know what you need to change to move you forward?

What do you know has expired in your life?

Who fits into your greater scheme of things?

In order to get the change you want do you need others approval?

Have you got the right people to turn to for advice?

Do you have a good track record for good decision-making?

How often do you catch yourself making wrong choices?

What is the main thing that is worrying you at the moment?

Is it stopping you from personal growth?

What can you do to change the situation you are currently in?

Do you need to talk with specific people to gain their

If you made any major changes example job, home, country etc would you be well supported?

What makes a change so hard for you to do?

Do you have the luxury of time on your hands to make changes or Do you feel you have the confidence to stick to the things you know?

Ultimately will this change bring new opportunities?

If you have no change, but you are happy, can you stay happy?

Have you gone through all the options before you attempt a change?

Are you manifesting change?

 #livelifelovelife        #bebetteratbeingbetter        #liveinthemoment 


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