New Years Resolutions?

By LifeworX · Jan. 10, 2017 · Life Coaching · 2 min read

A sunset on a beach in Cape Town.

We are getting to the end of the year and everybody seems to be winding down, possibly planning a holiday or just looking forward to the festive season.

During this time things seem to quiet down and it is a perfect opportunity to take a snapshot of your life, reflect on the past year and possibly plan for the new one ahead.

A lot of us start planning for a ‘new start’ in the New Year. Our advice is to not make a list of resolutions, but rather to plan your life, take action with the things you should be doing every day.

Often our resolutions are an unrealistic wish-list, hard to follow and therefore short-lived. We suggest you rather look at your lifestyle and make some genuine changes that are sustainable, not impossible and will create a better lifestyle for you. It is not a whim or a wish, but something you can achieve and attain.

LifeworX basic lifestyle tips:

Have positive thoughts daily and have the ability to recognize negatives and the tools to convert these into positives.

Learn to be objective and honest with yourself, take stock of where you are and where you want to be. Once you have established these two, be pro-active in how you go about your business.

When you are feeling low and everything is a hassle, it is important to get away from it and change the direction you are going in.

A lot of our current stress is caused by our finances.

Fine-tune your finances. Budgets don’t always work. You need to understand your relationship with money.

You need to create wealth in your mind first before you can create it in the bank.

Maintain your spiritual relationship with yourself and the world around you daily. This is the foundation of all your decision-making. One good choice leads to many opportunities. One bad choice leads to the wrong temptations.

Know and understand how all your different relationships impact your general well-being. Establish which ones are worth nurturing and which ones are worth letting go of. There is nothing like the present to get rid of the crap. If it doesn’t elevate you, it is not a relationship worth hanging on to.

Work on the essence of you. We spend all our lives being human doings, we forget to be human beings. Often we are so busy living day to day, we forget to take stock of where we are going. It is vitally important to figure out what it is you need to take you to the next level. First, you need to get to know yourself and sometimes this is scary.

But don’t fool yourself. You need to be mind-, body- and spirit-fit, to make any of these tips work for you. You need to feel healthy to be able to live life to the full, live life love life, pay it forward, take action and make your life work.

In any case, we should really be #LIVING IN THE MOMENT


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