Is life an effort?
Is it bigger than us at times?
Are you putting in enough effort?
How much effort is enough in your life?
This is really just the start of many possible questions. Is life bigger than us? How does that statement make you feel? So many questions need to be asked and so few answers. This is because the wisdom is not in the answer, but in the question.
It is for us to ask these questions and to live life to the best of our ability while finding our own answers that make sense to us and to our own lives. Don’t ever be afraid to question your life and your situation, because this will always push you to be better and doing better.
You may look around you and believe that everyone else have these perfect lives - especially when you are constantly on fakebook. There are so many people posting pictures of themselves with tons of friends and family, in exotic places but lo and behold, they are not really as happy as that 2-second pic that was snapped.
Try not to live your life and your relationships while you are lying to yourself, because the minute you face your fears and insecurities, the sooner you will overcome the expectations of what social media has taught us to put on ourselves.
Sometimes we just need to breathe and be ok with our lives and the effort we put in... But that brings me once again to ask you: are you putting in that extra effort? Because one thing I have learnt is that life rewards effort. Always be true to yourself and others, and know what makes you feel good about the effort you put in.
Don’t be scared to challenge yourself to think differently. Taking a new approach is actually really refreshing and can most certainly be life-changing. Being in a positive space is like a magnetic energy and you will find all the good things in your life begin to gain momentum.
So here are a few more questions that will get you thinking along a different track: