What Are You Waiting For?

By LifeworX · Sept. 23, 2018 · Advice · 4 min read

a black and white picture of a girl/boy leaning up against a railing wearing a denim jacket.  you can only see the torso

This question has come up for me a lot lately.  Maybe it is because I am getting older and time seems to be passing by so quickly.  I am one of those people that always feels like there is never enough time to get things done.  I have realized I quite like it that way because I have filled up every single minute of my days with things to do.  It is fortunate that I love what I do and love who I choose to be with because then it never feels like I am wasting time.

I go about my business every day and every day I find more things I want to do and more things I have to do.  Friends are always asking me to rest and chill, but I have realized that is not the way I operate or want to operate.  I am actually fine with the way things are for me.

So what are you waiting for?  Are there things that you want and need to get done, but yet you would rather consider putting it off for lack of motivation or fear of not actually being able to get it done.

Take the fear out and put the time in to get to the very things you need to get done.  The best way to do this is to write down a list of things you want done, then write a list of what you need to do.  Don’t mix these lists up, because that is enough to chase anyone away.  Your wants and needs are two very different things.  

This blog is specifically for you to get to the things that you want.  Your wants are not always a priority, but these to me are the things that motivate you in your life.  What you want is essential to getting the driving force to accomplish things that you never thought you could.

Maybe when you stop waiting around thinking you can’t do it, you will realize you can do what it takes to have and do the things you actually do want.

Never believe that waiting will make it happen. Life is not something you should take for granted and time is definitely directly related to that.  Find the courage to do this by believing in yourself to take that next step, whether it is starting a new job, a new business, getting out of a wrong relationship and just allowing yourself the strength of character to take the next step that is best and right for you.

You need to be sure about what it is that will make you happy and set the ball in motion.  Often things need a little push to start the momentum to estimate what exactly what it will take to really get going.  So I ask you again what are you waiting for. Something that has helped me when I am filled with doubt and uncertainty I talk to the people around me that I know care for me and run it by them.  Unusually all it takes is the right dash of courage that can spur a great idea into motion.

Life is an opportunity we all have to push ourselves outside of the boundaries and borders we have created by the fear and disbelief we have created in our own minds.  You really need to get out of thinking that everyone else is lucky, rich and opportunistic and realise that we create the world around us that we want.  Sure not everything is in your hands but there is so much that is you actually need to look for it and make that decision.  

Stop waiting for things to happen to you because that is exactly what will happen.  Be in control of your thoughts, feelings and actions, be in control of your life.  Grab life with both hands and do the things that are on your want list.  Trust me the things that you need to do will eventually get done but will your wants.  You are bigger than you think, start that new course, get that degree,  get married, move countries, buy that car, start a new job and know that your wants are very important for your well being.

So that when you are next asked: “So what are waiting for ?”  Your answer is  “NOTHING”

#livelifelovelife     #bebetteratbeingbetter        #liveinthemoment


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