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I have taken some time to contemplate the task you have given me, the bullet points are as follows
This question has come up for me a lot lately. Maybe it is because I am getting older and time seems to be passing by so quickly.
I am sure you will agree that when you have some balance in your life you are more focused and in tune with everything around you
To me, this is an attitude and a way of being. Nothing is too big to handle and just get on with it.
To find what works for you personally is important too.
It is time to start doing things for yourself. No guilt and no regrets. You owe it to yourself to enjoy your life and yourself. As long as you are not hurting anyone doing this ……. Why not?
I used to wonder why people would leave me after a month or two of ‘friendship’, but now I understand why they would leave.
So, while I sit here asking myself “So exactly why are you so stressed...
It’s the less obvious preparation for life that makes school worthwhile.
This is really just the start of many possible questions. How does that statement make you feel?