Have you reached first base or do you feel like you have hit a home run?
…on the other side, right? It may be a cliché but the concept of someone else having more or being better off than us has crept into the consciousness of every one of us at some time or another.
Perseverance: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
I am sitting here watching life pass me by. Paris - one of the busiest cities in the world.
Sometimes when I struggle to find the words to describe the feelings in my heart right now, I choose lyrics from songs to help with a bit of inspiration.
Imagine with me for a second if you were all you ever needed.
I thought I would get this blog out before I turn 50 and possibly change my mind
If you’re anything like me, distraction is a part of daily existence
Last week I travelled to Cape Town for a series of business meetings.
10 Traits of People Who Know Where They’re Going.
For most of my life, I’ve had a terrible relationship with myself. No matter how hard I tried I’ve constantly felt that I’m not good enough ...
When you look back on your life do you look at it with pride, hope or regret?
Well, if there is one thing that’s for sure: we are all getting older every day. It’s a strange thing, but wow, when it hits YOU it hits you hard.
A second chance is sometimes just what we need to shift us into another phase, another gear and a completely new world.
What do you do to feed your soul, when you are not earning a living?